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Showing posts from June, 2022

2021/2022 Movie List

2021/2022 was a good movie year for me. I was finally able to return to the movie theater after taking about a year and a half off because of the pandemic. I was also  able to watch a ton of movies: 74, to be exact, the  most since 2014/15 when I somehow watched 93. I also am pretty sure this was the most bad movies I’ve ever seen in a year. When you watch 70 movies in a year, you start to get desperate. I don’t think that there were any movies this year that I’d consider true classics, but there were still plenty of really good ones. On to the list. 63. The French Dispatch was not the worst movie I watched this year, but it was BY FAR the most disappointing. Some context: During the pandemic I didn’t go to a movie in the theater for about 18th months. Wes Anderson is one of my favorite directors - I’ve liked just about every one of his movies, and some of them (Rushmore, The Life Aquatic) are all-time favorites. So when things started opening up again, and I saw that there wa...