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Showing posts from June 11, 2013

Great Comedies

My All-Time Comedy Top 10 10. Anchorman – There has to be at least one Will Ferrell movie on my list, and this is probably my favorite, although Old School and Step Brothers were also hilarious.   One sign of a great comedy is how many great quotes the movie has, and this has more good ones than any movie in the last decade. 9. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles – Steve Martin and the late, great John Candy ruled the 80’s with some terrific comedies like Roxanne and Uncle Buck, and I think this was the best (or at least the funniest) movie either of them made. 8. Rushmore – I kind of feel like I’m cheating by including this on my top 10 high school movies and top 10 comedies, but it is one of my all-time favorite movies so I’m putting it on both lists.   Bill Murray is funny even when he’s sad. 7. Groundhog Day – Bill Murray is my undisputed comedy king, appearing in 4 of my 10 favorites.   Love him, love the story.   Lots of movies since, including Tom Cruise’s new m