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Showing posts from 2014

2013-2014 Movie List

It’s finals week, so that means it’s time for my annual ranking of every single movie I saw this year.   My movie year runs from the start of each summer to the end of the next school year, so it includes movies from 2013 and 2014.   This was a great year for movie-watching.   I was able to watch 93 movies, easily topping last year’s 80, which was my previous record.   Not only did I see a lot of movies, there were a ton of really good ones.   I ranked the 72 that came out in the last year and a half, but I also have some comments about the older ones at the bottom of the list.   I realize this list is ridiculously long, but hopefully you’ll enjoy looking through it.   Please feel free to comment on the movies you’ve seen – that’s really the point of the whole list.   72. Cloud Atlas Despite taking the bottom spot on the list, I will admit that I was actually interested by this movie.   It seemed like it almost could have been a good movie, and I found parts of it interesting.   I